
Showing posts from December, 2011

The Erroneous Views of the Chief Economic Advisor of Indian Finance Ministry, Prof. Kasushik Basu

Prof. Kaushik Basu - who apart from being a professor of economics at the Cornell University, USA, is currently the chief economic adviser of the Ministry of Finance, Government of India - recently published a paper titled " Understanding Inflation and Controlling It " in the journal Economic and Political Weekly (EPW) , which is a well known journal in India published from Mumbai. Since inflation is the grave problem being faced by any economy and because Prof. Basu is the chief economic adviser of the Indian government, I decided to read the article to know his economic views, especially re inflation. It is important to know what the chief economist of Indian government has to say about Inflation. Knowing his views is important because billions of common man's lives depend on this one person's economic views. If his economic views are erroneous then our lives are in a big danger. If his understanding of inflation is faulty then we all are doomed. And as it tur