
Showing posts from January, 2022

Economics of Pollution

In the list of the world’s top polluted cities majority are from India. India’s capital New Delhi is again in the grips of very   hazardous pollution . Delhi government has shutdown schools, I have no idea how shutting down schools will stop or lessen pollution or keep children healthy but that is a question for some other time, and they are also thinking of imposing a climate change lockdown in the city! To understand what is causing this pollution we need to understand what are the different sources of pollution. Once we know these sources, we can figure out who is responsible for those sources. Below I am going to list down the major sources of pollution.  Vehicle pollution  Factories  Urbanization and  Population growth and poverty  Who’s responsible for all these sources? Let us see that now.  Vehicle pollution  The Indian central bank RBI is mainly responsible for vehicular pollution. I am sure my readers will be asking me a question in their minds: how is RBI responsible for veh