
Showing posts from July, 2021

How Politicians Exploit your Fear and What to Do to Stop them?

Book review:     Feardom : How Politicians Exploit Your Emotions and What You Can Do to Stop Them by Connor Boyack.  Libertas Press (8 December 2014) Connor Boyack, the founder and president of Libertas Institute a libertarian think tank in Utah, has written an important book on the subject matter of the pervasive human emotion of  fear  and how different power mongering people utilise it to influence the actions of their victims to control and exploit them for their own benefit.  Since the beginning of the year 2020 and continuing into 2021, world population has been scared to death by the state authorities, medical pharmaceutical mafia world and their billionaire funders about the so-called new Coronavirus and a disease caused by it viz., Covid-19. Under the guise of Covid-19 disease fear, power mongers have acquired tremendous powers for themselves over the world population. Various governments, especially Indian, imposed draconian lockdowns on their population which destroyed econo

Time to Rethink the Idea of Nation State

Our world is by and large going left liberal and woke. These groups of people espouse ideas like gender equality or self gender identification, gender feminism, anti-racism, open immigration, multiculturalism etc. American social political groups like   Black Lives Matters  or  ANTIFA (Anti Fascist) etc.,  represent such ideologies. Personally speaking, I see no problems with this type of left liberalism or wokeness as long as such ideas are not   imposed   by one group of people on others. But that is what exactly happens, all the time. One group of people hijacks the centralized power of the state and uses that state machinery to impose their ideas on others who don’t believe in those ideas. And herein lies the root of all our problems.   Nation state’s centralized power structure allows one group of people to impose their ideas on everyone else, and that is the root cause of all our conflicts. State monopoly is the central problem. Originally the State was created by its makers like

What is Inflation and why Price of Petrol is Rising in India?

Inflation is hitting not only India but the globe. Price of petrol in India has crossed 100 rupee per liter mark in many cities. What is inflation? What causes it? What is its solution? I discuss these questions in my below analysis.