The Indian "Military Industrial Complex" Begins...
Some very fateful events are taking place in India. Yesterday, India's biggest Industrial elite, Mukesh Ambani and his Reliance Industries Ltd. signed a pact with a French firm Dassault Aviation for partnering in the defense and homeland security sector in India (see here ). Put simply this means, Mukesh Ambani's Reliance Industries, instead of producing mobile phones, electricity, petrol/gas etc., for the common man, will now produce guns & bullets, tanks, rockets, missiles, fighter jets etc., for the government killing machine! Reliance Industries said that, they are entering defense industry sector because they were looking to diversify their business due to a slowdown in their core business of oil and gas. What a wonderful diversification Mr. Ambani! Many of you - who have taken some elementary course in economics - must be knowing that in our scarcity ridden world there is an opportunity cost of every action that we take. The implication of this human action law is t