
Showing posts from August, 2012

Coming Gutka Ban in Gujarat and Its Dire Consequences

Gujarat's notoriously popular chief minister Narendra Modi has decided to ban the consumption of Gutka products in Gujarat beginning from 11th September, 2012. Modi said, I have to save the youths of Gujarat, from the dreaded evil of cancer and that’s why a decision to impose a complete ban on gutka has been taken (is he not worrying about saving the lives of old people who also consume Gutka? Are old people expendable?). Modi's zealous and blind worshiping supporters are going gaga over this policy. His supporters are blind and they have a vested interest in promoting Modi cult in Gujarat so they will never bother about the consequences of this policy. In fact, they are more than happy in promoting this policy because it is going to finally help them win the votes and political power. Modi's supporters are either knaves or ignorant of the consequences of this policy, but Gujarat's society can not afford to remain so ignorant. Every sane person must analyze this po