Despotism of Democracy
Alexis de Tocqueville was a 19th century French political thinker and a historian. He is best known for his excursions in, then newly born democratic country, America (United States of America). In 1835 and 1840, he published his famous work, Democracy in America , on the basis of his observations of the American society and its democratic political state during his travels. In this book's later parts - vol 4, chapter 6, What Type of Despotism Democratic Nations Have to Fear (Liberty Fund edition) - he warned the people of the world about the kind of possible despotism that can arrive in a democratic country. I am reproducing his warning here because his prophesy turned out to be totally correct. As Robert Nisbet, after reproducing the same paragraphs of Tocqueville in his The Quest for Community , said, here, in these paragraphs, lies one of the most astonishing prophesies to be found anywhere in political literature . Here is Tocqueville writing in 1840: "I think that th