What is the Root Cause of Our Suffering?
What is the root cause of most of the good and bad that is happening in our world? What is the root cause of our pleasure and pain? Matt Ridley answers these questions in his new book The Evolution Everything . Ridley brilliantly uses Charles Darwin's theory of evolution via natural selection, which he calls the "special theory" of evolution, to analyze various phenomena like the universe, morality, life, genes, culture, economy, technology, mind, personality, education, population, leadership, government, religion, money, internet and everything, and shows how all these phenomena have evolved naturally bottom-up rather than being planned and designed by someone (Gods or politicians or bureaucrats or monarchs or dictators or relgiious leaders or geniuses etc.) from top-down. These phenomena are result of bottom-up forces, especially the forces of human action. They are result of human action rather than human design. After analyzing these bottom-up evolutionary phe