A Radical Political Proposal for India
When it comes to the political choices in India, Indians have no real choices. All political parties in India, in one form or another, are wedded to the ideology of socialism and its variants like communism. Whether it is the ruling BJP party or the major opposition Congress party or the Aam Aadmi Party, they all are followers of socialism. They all present the statist view of the society where the individual is subordinate to the state and its ruling government. The government is our overlord, our nanny who is going to control and regulate every aspect of our lives. The concept of the individual and its liberty is completely missing from the Indian social, cultural, and political scene. Basically the Indian culture is collective tribal and primitive. The present BJP government and its prime minister Modi are touted by many as a pro-market prime minister and to the right of the political spectrum, but looking at BJP and Modi’s track record, e.g., increasing centralization of the socie