Ludwig von Mises on CORRUPTION
Indian parliament passed the so-called anti-corruption Lokpal Bill, but that bill failed to pass in the assembly. People saw the crazy politicians' fighting and tearing the Lokpal Bill in the assembly. Anna Hazare is now in hospital and doctors have advised him not to go on fasting anymore.
Despite this political drama, Indian population still believes that passing of such so-called anti-corruption bills will end the corruption. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As I have repeatedly said time and again, the root of corruption lies in the system of government interventionism in the market economy, and it cannot be rooted out without removing those interventions. Without dismantling the bureaucracies and ministries, it is impossible to remove political corruption.
Recently I am reading Ludwig von Mises's wonderful little book, A Critique of Interventionism. While discussing the harmful effects of government intervention in the economy via direct restriction on production and price controls, Mises discusses the issue of corruption. I am amazed to read these paragraphs where Mises with a great prescience describes the whole phenomenon of corruption. While reading these paragraphs it feels like Mises is talking about the recent Indian corruption issues! He tells us, that the corruption on part of the politicians is not the root cause of the ailing economy; the laxity on part of the various bureaus to enforce various interventionist measures is not the cause of poor economic condition of the economy. In fact, such laxity is what keeps the economy going while under the burden of myriad of governmental interventions! Mises says - as I have said after him - that, corruption is good for the hampered market economy. He and I, of course, are not saying that corruption per se is good and we should not remove corruption if given chance. I abhor corruption to its core. I too don't want to live in a corrupt society. But, as Mises said, corruption is not the root cause of our economic and societal problems. It is just an effect of government intervention in the economy. Government interventionism is the root cause of the poor health of our economy and it is the root cause of corruption too. I quote the paragraphs from the book so that you can understand the issues clearly,
As you can clearly see, corruption is not the real problem faced by our economy. The economic system of 'government intervention' IS the real root cause of poor health of the economy and corruption. Passing such Lokpal Bills will never remove corruption or cure the ill health of the Indian economy. If we want to remove corruption and improve the economic condition of people, then, we need to remove the government intervention. We need to repeal all the regulations and control over the market. We need to discuss the fundamental issue of the role - if at all any - of the State in our societies. By asking the question of corruption people are making a false beginning. If people will ask wrong questions then they will never get the right solutions. Government will be very happy to indulge people in such useless corruption removal issues as long as they are not asking questions regarding the very existence of the system of the State and its intervention in the market economy.
Despite this political drama, Indian population still believes that passing of such so-called anti-corruption bills will end the corruption. Nothing could be farther from the truth. As I have repeatedly said time and again, the root of corruption lies in the system of government interventionism in the market economy, and it cannot be rooted out without removing those interventions. Without dismantling the bureaucracies and ministries, it is impossible to remove political corruption.
Recently I am reading Ludwig von Mises's wonderful little book, A Critique of Interventionism. While discussing the harmful effects of government intervention in the economy via direct restriction on production and price controls, Mises discusses the issue of corruption. I am amazed to read these paragraphs where Mises with a great prescience describes the whole phenomenon of corruption. While reading these paragraphs it feels like Mises is talking about the recent Indian corruption issues! He tells us, that the corruption on part of the politicians is not the root cause of the ailing economy; the laxity on part of the various bureaus to enforce various interventionist measures is not the cause of poor economic condition of the economy. In fact, such laxity is what keeps the economy going while under the burden of myriad of governmental interventions! Mises says - as I have said after him - that, corruption is good for the hampered market economy. He and I, of course, are not saying that corruption per se is good and we should not remove corruption if given chance. I abhor corruption to its core. I too don't want to live in a corrupt society. But, as Mises said, corruption is not the root cause of our economic and societal problems. It is just an effect of government intervention in the economy. Government interventionism is the root cause of the poor health of our economy and it is the root cause of corruption too. I quote the paragraphs from the book so that you can understand the issues clearly,
economic layman only observes that “interested
succeed again and again in escaping the strictures of law. The fact
that the system functions poorly is blamed exclusively on the
law that does not go far enough, and on corruption that
its application. The very failure of interventionism reinforces the
layman’s conviction that private property must be
severely. The corruption of the regulatory bodies does not shake his
blind confidence in the infallibility and perfection of the state; it
merely fills him with moral aversion to entrepreneurs and
the violation of law is not an evil that merely needs to be
eradicated in order to create paradise on earth, an evil that flows
from human weakness so difficult to uproot, as etatists so naively
proclaim. If all interventionist laws were really to be observed they
would soon lead to absurdity. All wheels would come to a halt because
the strong arm of government comes too close.
contemporaries view the matter like this: farmers and milk dealers
conspire to raise the price of milk. Then comes the state, the
welfare state, to bring relief, pitting common interest against
special interest, public economic view against private point of view.
The state dissolves the “milk cartel,” sets ceiling
embarks upon criminal prosecution of the violators of its
regulations. The fact that milk does not become as cheap as the
consumers had wished is now blamed on the laws that are not strict
enough, and on their enforcement that is not severe enough. It is not
so easy to oppose the profit motive of pressure groups that are
injurious to the public. The laws must therefore be
and enforced without consideration or mercy.
reality, the situation is quite different. If the price
were really enforced, the delivery of milk and. dairy products to the
cities would soon come to a halt. Not more, but less milk, or none at
all, would come to the market. The consumer still gets his milk only
because the regulations are circumvented. If we accept the rather
impermissible and fallacious etatist antithesis of public and
private interests, we would have to draw this conclusion: the milk
dealer who violates the law is serving the public interest; the
government official who seeks to enforce the ceiling price is
jeopardizing it.
course, the businessman who violates the laws and regulations in
order to produce regardless of government obstacles is not guided by
considerations of public interest, which the champions of the public
interest belabor continually, but by the desire to earn a
profit, or at least to avoid the loss which he would suffer complying
with the regulation. Public opinion, which is indignant at the
baseness of such motivation and the wickedness of such action,
cannot comprehend that the impracticability of the decrees and
prohibitions would soon lead to a catastrophe were it not for this
systematic disregard of government orders and prohibitions.
Public opinion expects salvation from strict compliance with
government regulations passed “for the protection of
weak.” It censures government only because it is not strong
to pass all necessary regulations and does not entrust their
enforcement to more capable and incorruptible individuals. The
basic problems of interventionism are not discussed at all. He
who timidly dares to doubt the justification of the restrictions on
capitalists and entrepreneurs is scorned as a hireling of
injurious special interests or, at best, is treated with
contempt. Even in a discussion of the methods of interventionism, he
who does not want to jeopardize his reputation and, above all, his
career must be very careful. One can easily fall under the
suspicion of serving “capital.” Anyone
using economic
arguments cannot escape this suspicion.
be sure, public opinion is not mistaken if it scents
everywhere in the interventionist state. The corruptibility of
the politicians, representatives, and officials is the very
foundation that carries the system. Without it the system
disintegrate or be replaced with socialism or capitalism.
Classical liberalism regarded those laws best that afforded least
discretionary power to executive authorities, thus avoiding
arbitrariness and abuse. The modern state seeks to expand its
discretionary power—everything is to be left to the
discretion of
cannot here set forth the impact of corruption on public
Naturally, neither the bribers nor the bribed realize that
behavior tends to preserve the system which public opinion and they
themselves believe to be the right one. In violating the law they are
conscious of impairing the public weal. But by constantly violating
criminal laws and moral decrees they finally lose the ability to
distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad. If finally
few economic goods can be produced or sold without violating
some regulation, it becomes an unfortunate accompaniment of
to sin against law and morality. And those individuals who
it were different are derided as “theorists.” The
began by violating foreign exchange controls, import and export
restrictions, price ceilings, et cetera, easily proceeds to defraud
his partner. The decay of business morals, which is called
“inflation effect,” is the inevitable
concomitant of
regulations that were imposed on trade and production during the
may be said that the system of interventionism has become
bearable through the laxity of enforcement. Even the interferences
with prices are said to lose their disruptive power if the
entrepreneurs can “correct” the situation with
money and
persuasion. Surely, it cannot be denied that it would be better
without the intervention. But, after all, public opinion must be
accommodated. Interventionism is seen as a tribute that must be paid
to democracy in order to preserve the capitalistic system.
line of reasoning can be understood from the viewpoint of
entrepreneurs and capitalists who have adopted Marxian-socialistic or
state-socialistic thought. To them, private property in the means of
production is an institution that favors the interests of landowners,
capitalists, and entrepreneurs at the expense of the public.
preservation solely serves the interests of the propertied classes.
So, if by making a few painless concessions these classes can
salvage the institution that is so beneficial to them, and yet so
harmful to all other classes, why jeopardize its preservation by
adamantly refusing the concessions?
course, those who do not share this view regarding
interests cannot accept this line of thought. We do not see why the
productivity of economic labor should be reduced through erroneous
measures. If private property in the means of production actually is
an institution that favors one part of society to the detriment of
another, then it should be abolished. But if it is found that private
property is useful to all, and that human society with its
division of labor could not be organized in any other way, then it
must be safeguarded so that it can serve its function in the best
possible way. We need not here discuss the confusion that must arise
about all moral conceits if law and moral precepts disallow, or at
least revile, something that must be preserved as the foundation of
social life. And why should anything be prohibited in the expectation
that the prohibition will be largely circumvented?"
As you can clearly see, corruption is not the real problem faced by our economy. The economic system of 'government intervention' IS the real root cause of poor health of the economy and corruption. Passing such Lokpal Bills will never remove corruption or cure the ill health of the Indian economy. If we want to remove corruption and improve the economic condition of people, then, we need to remove the government intervention. We need to repeal all the regulations and control over the market. We need to discuss the fundamental issue of the role - if at all any - of the State in our societies. By asking the question of corruption people are making a false beginning. If people will ask wrong questions then they will never get the right solutions. Government will be very happy to indulge people in such useless corruption removal issues as long as they are not asking questions regarding the very existence of the system of the State and its intervention in the market economy.
Many people now rely on their income protection cover to help them get by in case of unemployment. that only means they have already lost their confidence to their elected officials due to corruption.