Can Food Security Bill Remove Hunger?

Both houses of Indian government - Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha - passed the Food Security Bill last week. It will become law after the President signs it. Incumbent UPA government is hailing it as a 'game changer' program which is going to remove hunger in India [sic]. This program covers 67% of India's population (75% rural and 50% urban). It is going to provide 5 kg rice, wheat and coarse grain per person per month at the price of Rs. 3, 2 and 1 respectively. This bill is going to cost 1.24 lakh crore to the poor tax payers. Opposition parties like BJP were opposing this bill, but they also didn't vote against it! The real question people, especially the tax payers, should be asking is, can this bill really remove hunger? In my latest economic report I answer this question. In brief, if it was that easy to remove hunger by passing such legislation bills, then, our world would've removed hunger ages ago!


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